We were so happy to celebrate our partnership with the Lancashire West Methodist Circuit this month. This group of church communities supports six Malawian girls at school in Karonga, in the far north of Malawi. The girls are now starting their fourth and final year of secondary school. MMF Trustee, Phil Wright, introduced the event at Croston (near Preston) and expressed the appreciation of the Mamie Martin Fund and our partners in Malawi for this wonderful support.

Moira Dunworth, our Marketing Lead, reported on the progress of the pupils and the finances of the project (very healthy, thanks to generous Lancashire West donors). She included some updates about other MMF news. She told the meeting that a new book about Mamie Martin and other women missionaries is now available. Then we had a lighter few moments seeing video clips of Jo Wright and her ‘dips’ in 31 lakes/tarns as a fund-raiser for MMF. Jo, herself, kindly rounded off the presentation by reading the lovely poem from two of the Malawian pupils supported by this Circuit.
After the event those present adjourned for some tea and cake. What a lovely welcome for the MMF visitors (from Edinburgh, Kendal and Lancaster) and what a great opportunity to share news and stories. Thanks LW (as they call the Circuit in Malawi!).