< How you can help – Mamie Martin Fund

How you can help

“I was persuaded to do a cycle run for the Mamie Martin Fund last year and loved it and feel involved with the charity now.” 

Margaret Bryant, Story-on-Bikes 2020 and Pledge100 2021

People and bicycles

Get involved with our projects, which change from year to year but usually include cycling as one option.

Our 2023 project is #Birthday30

If you are planning an event and would like some resources, such as logos, our reports or hints/tips, please see this page.

People around a large table

We also need volunteers for specific roles and Trustees to serve on our Board.

Fundraise as you shop

Sign up with Give as you Live and nominate the Mamie Martin Fund as your charity of choice. Look for the Give as You Live logo whenever you are shopping online and raise funds as you shop.

Gift Aid

For every £1 that you donate to the Mamie Martin Fund, Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs will add an extra 25p, at no extra cost to you. All you have to do is complete a Gift Aid declaration form to confirm that you are a UK taxpayer. You will find that form on our donate page.

Legacy gift

By remembering the Mamie Martin Fund in your will, you will be helping us to continue supporting the education of girls in Malawi for years to come. Suggested codicil is available here.

MMF Scottish Codicil