< MMF Trustees – Mamie Martin Fund

MMF Trustees

Our Mission: To advance the education of young women and girls in North Malawi in secondary schools operated by our Malawian partners.

Trustees Needed

The Mamie Martin Fund was established 31 years ago by the family of Mamie Martin. She was a young Scottish teacher living in what was then Nyasaland in the 1920s. Concerned at the lack of educational opportunities for girls she started classes for them in the area where she lived. The charity was set up in her memory and her grandchildren and great grandchildren remain committed to its continuation.

In 2024-25 we are supporting 133 girls in 7 secondary schools, 6 of which are boarding schools. We have a Country Director who manages our work in Malawi, visiting the girls, and ensuring the funds are directed efficiently and meeting their needs.

Everything else, including governance, admin and fundraising is done by volunteers and due to the growth of the organisation this work is also growing. As a result, we are looking to add to our Board of 7 Trustees and in particular professional people who can bring knowledge and skills in the areas of IT and cyber security, management and project development, safeguarding and volunteer support.

We work mostly online, with Trustees and other volunteers based in Scotland, Malawi and other parts of the world! Meetings usually take place on Zoom, and we communicate on Podio, an intranet platform, and by using email and WhatsApp. We also have a private document sharing platform. Much of the work is done between Board meetings which take place every 2 months.

To want to join our Board you would share our values and commitment to girls’ education. More information can be found on our website: www.mamiemartin.org , Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter.

If you are interested please contact us by emailing:- [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you.