Chirwa, Vera (2007) Fearless Fighter: An Autobiography, London: Zed Books Ltd, ISBN 9781842779668
Dalgety, Susan (2021) The Spirit of Malawi, Edinburgh: Luath Press Ltd ISBN 9781913025465
Eidhammer, Asbjorn (2017) Malawi, A Place Apart, Lilongwe, Malawi: LOGOS Open Culture ISBN 978-99960-979-0-4
Malewezi Jnr., Justin, (2021), Learn Chichewa through Stories, Children’s book, independently published (31 Jan. 2021) by only available (just now) from Amazon EU S.a.r.L. ISBN 9798702947341
Mapanje, Jack (2011) And Corocodiles are Hungry at Night, a Memoir by Jack Mapanje, Banbury, England, Ayebia Clarke Publishing Ltd ISBN 9780956240170
Reid, Isobel E (2024) Myth and Reality of the Missionary Family. Mzuzu: Mzuni Press. Available in the UK through the Mamie Martin Fund online shop. £15.00 & p&p – Buy it in Malawi at: Chambo Market, Old Town Mall, Lilongwe; Maneno Bookshop, Lilongwe; Kachere Bookshop, Zomba; Mzuni Press, Mzuzu; La Caverna in Blantyre.
This important book tells the story of Mamie Martin, her husband, Jack, and some of the other women missionaries in Malawi at tthat time (1921 – 28). It lifts the view of anonymity which has cloaked women missionaries since the late 19th century.
Presentation about the book can be view here.
“It’s out of commitment, dedication and love that a recognition of forerunners in girl child education is appreciated and respected.” Malawian Head Teacher.
Ross, Kenneth R (2013) Malawi and Scotland, Together in the Talking Place since 1859, Mzuzu, Malawi, Mzuni Press ISBN 978-99960-27-07-9
Ross, K.R. and Chilongozi, M.N. (eds) The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian 1924-2024, A Centenary Assessment, Mzuzu, Mzuni Press ISBN 978-99960-76-35-0 eISBN 978-99960-76-36-7
Ross, K.R. and Chilongozi, M.N. (eds) The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian 1924-2024, A Centenary Assessment, Mzuzu, Mzuni Press ISBN 978-99960-76-35-0 eISBN 978-99960-76-36-7
Ross, Kenneth R, Chiweaz, Asiyati L and Mulwafu, Wapulumuka O, (eds) (2022) Beyond Impunity, New Directions for Governance in Malawi, Mzuzu, Mzuni Press with University of Cape Town Press ISBN 978-99960-76-07-7 eISMB 978-99960-76-08-4
Sinclair, Margaret (2003) Salt and Light, The Letters of Jack and Mamie Martin in Malawi 1921-28, Blantyre, Malawi: Christian Literature Association in Malawi (CLAIM)
We are proud to have had Alison Cameron as our Scottish Patron for 30 years. So we were thrilled to see her 1963 snapshot of one night’s work published in the Society of Malawi Journal, Vol. 72, No. 1, 2019.
She followed that by an article about her arrival in Malawi and her time there during difficult years – My Six Decades of Friendship with Malawi.
We are grateful to the Journal for permission to share both of these articles with you.
Alison stepped down as MMF Patron in 2023, her 90th year.
Academic articles relevant to Malawi
Al-Samarrai, S. and Bennell, P., 2007. Where has all the education gone in sub-Saharan Africa? Employment and other outcomes among secondary school and university leavers. The Journal of Development Studies, 43(7), pp.1270-1300.
Asongu, S. and Odhimabo, N., 2019. Thresholds of income inequality that mitigate the role of gender inclusive education in promoting gender economic inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa. African Governance and Development Institute Working Paper No.102033. Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2021].
Baulch, B., Benson, T., Erman, A., Lifeyo, Y. and Mkweta, P., 2019. Malawi’s challenging employment landscape. IFPRI Strategy Support Program Working Paper No.27. Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2021].
Behrman, J. A., 2015. Does Schooling Affect Women’s Desired Fertility? Evidence From Malawi, Uganda, and Ethiopia. Demography, 52(3), pp.787–809.
Castel, V., Phiri, M. and Stampini, M., 2010. Education and employment in Malawi. African Development Bank Group Working Paper Series No.110. Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2021].
Chikapa, T.M., 2021. Gender culture and Malawian women’s reconciliation of work and family responsibilities. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 34(4), pp.449-463.
Chikhungu, L., Kadzamira, E., Chiwaula, L. and Meke, E., 2020. Tackling girls dropping out of school in Malawi: Is improving household socio-economic status the solution?. International Journal of Educational Research, 103, p.1-12.
EPDC, 2018. National Education Profile: Malawi. 2018 Country Updates. [online] Washington: Education Policy and Data Centre. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 July 2021].
Frye, M., 2012. Bright futures in Malawi’s new dawn: Educational aspirations as assertions of identity. American Journal of Sociology, 117(6), pp.1565-1624.
Grant, M.J., 2015. The demographic promise of expanded female education: trends in the age at first birth in Malawi. Population and development review, 41(3), pp.409-438.
Kalipeni, E. and Zulu, E.M., 1993. Gender differences in knowledge and attitudes toward modern and traditional methods of child spacing in Malawi. Population Research and Policy Review, 12(2), pp.103-121.
Kazembe, L.N., 2009. Modelling individual fertility levels in Malawian women: a spatial semiparametric regression model. Statistical Methods and Applications, 18(2), pp.237-255.
Kendall, N. and Kaunda, Z., 2015. Girls, School, and Reproductive Realities in Malawi. In: S. Stacki and S. Baily, ed., Educating Adolescent Girls Around the Globe: Challenges and Opportunities, 1st ed. New York: Routledge, pp.23-39.
Likupe, G., Chintsanya, J., Magadi, M., Munthali, A. and Makwemba, M., 2020. Barriers to sexual and reproductive education among in-school adolescents in Zomba and Mangochi districts, Malawi. Sex Education, 21(4), pp.450-462.
Mambo, M., Meky, M., Tanaka, N. and Salmi, J., 2016. Improving higher education in Malawi for competitiveness in the global economy. Washington: World Bank, pp.1-83.
McConnell, C. and Mupuwaliywa, M., 2016. Keeping girls in school: Situation analysis for Malawi (Country Policy Brief). Washington: World Bank.
Mussa, R. and Masanjala, W.H., 2015. A Dangerous Divide: The State of Inequality in Malawi. [online] Lilongwe: Oxfam, pp.11-14. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 May 2021].
UNICEF, 2019. Composition of Education Budget by Level of Education. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 6 August 2021].
Zahra, F., 2020. High Hopes, Low Dropout: Gender Differences in Aspirations for Education and Marriage, and Educational Outcomes in Rural Malawi. Comparative Education Review, 64(4), pp.670-702.
Zanin, L., Radice, R. and Marra, G., 2015. Modelling the impact of women’s education on fertility in Malawi. Journal of Population Economics, 28(1), pp.89-111.