< 'Our' garden featured – Mamie Martin Fund

‘Our’ garden featured

Frank Kirwan of Humbie Dean garden is a long-standing supporter of the Mamie Martin Fund. As part of that support, he nominates us as beneficiary of the proceeds of his open garden days. Some of these are private and some are part of Scotland’s Gardens and you can also see the dates on our Events page.

How exciting to see this garden featured in the new issue of ‘The English Garden‘ – no, it’s not  actually in England but in East Lothian, Scotland. The article, since it is springtime, is excited about the ‘profusion of golden trumpets’ at Humbie Dean. The first public opening is on Sunday April 5th so many of the spring flowers will still be out. 

This lovely garden is becoming quite well-known. It featured on Beechgrove Garden two years ago and Frank is publishing a book about it later this year. So, go and visit!