< Cycling for Malawi - 70 years on – Mamie Martin Fund

Cycling for Malawi – 70 years on

In 1950, seven-year old Sally enjoyed riding her bike. She says ‘It’s 70 years since I was that child. First bike, a Hercules, I had loads of freedom to go off with friends. I learnt on the City Playground in Newbury (England), grass being softer to fall on than Tarmac.’ 

Now a lot older, Sally bought an exercise bike on the grounds that it would be safer than braving the streets of Edinburgh, where she lives. Even in lockdown, she is right about that! Sally took delivery of the parts and was a bit daunted – ‘The trusty steed has arrived. Once I can figure out the 5 allegedly simple steps to put it together I will be in business.’ A cup of tea later she tackled it and was delighted to ‘be in business’.

Sally is registered on the Stay-at-Home version of Story-on-Bikes and has already logged her first miles. If you would  to join Sally, the booking link is http://StoryonBikes2020.eventbrite.com. You could encourage her with a donation on  http://virginmoneygiving.com/fund/Story-on-Bikes. Our hashtag on Twitter and Instagram is #storyonbikes