< Kibébé Archives – Mamie Martin Fund

Working together to support jobs in Malawi

Rachel Farey, business manager of the One World Shop in Edinburgh is our guest blogger this week. She writes about her pleasure at being introduced to Malawian company, Kibébé, by the Mamie Martin Fund. After some challenging times, Kibébé products arrived in the Edinburgh shop this month. 

“In the One World Shop we stock the hugely popular Kilombero rice from Malawi and have long wanted to have more Malawian products. In October 2019, MMF introduced us to Kibébé. We loved their products and immediately wanted to buy them for our shop. However various personal and global events intervened and it seemed that this dream was not to come true. We held onto that vision and after some great help from Kibébé and encouragement from MMF we were thrilled to receive these fabulous products in time to display them in our special Edinburgh Festival marquee, outside the shop. They are already proving very popular with our customers.

Kibébé  products are hand made by artizans living in and around Dzaleka refugee camp. Kibébé pay fair wages and this work is life-changing for the producers. All Kibébé products are of the highest quality – well-made and sturdy. The range held in the One World Shop includes soap, bags, journal covers, face masks and accessories. It wasn’t easy to get these products to Edinburgh so hurry to check them out while they last.

It is great to see the result of three NGOs working together – all to benefit people in Malawi for whom this work means dignity, education and hope.” 

In her spare time Rachel enjoys taking part in MMF cycling events and we’ve had a lot of fun together, raising money for girls’ education in Malawi.

One World Shop’s Opening hours during August: Mon – Sunday 10am – 6pm. Tel: 0131 229 4541

Email: [email protected]