< Golden Coffee Archives – Mamie Martin Fund

Mzuzu Golden Coffee

Everyone loves drinking Mzuzu Coffee – in its distinctive gold packaging – when they visit Malawi. However, any that we can buy in Scotland has been roasted and finished here. So to grow the export market for the finished product – and keeping the all important roasting income in Malawi – Fair Trade Scotland Ltd teamed up with Mzuzu Coffee Planters Cooperative Union to bring the roasted and packaged coffee to Scotland. The green bean is 20% heavier than the roasted bean – so doing the roasting and packing in Malawi is great for the climate too! 

This coffee is organic, single origin and fairly traded – what’s not to like? Economic development in Malawi is a concern of all of us working there as we strive to enable Malawians to have a brighter future. So that we can have this coffee easily available to buy, this great project still needs support from investors and you can be part of it by making a donation on this page.