‘Salt and Light’ tells the story of Jack and Mamie Martin’s life in Malawi (then Nyasaland) in the 1920s through their own words. The book was compiled from letters and diaries by their daughter, Margaret Sinclair in 2003. It provides valuable historical background to the work of the Mamie Martin Fund. Extracts from Salt and Light have been selected and recorded by Mamie’s granddaughter, Mariot Dallas.
Mariot tells us about her grandparents’ arrival in Africa in 1921
Extract 1: Mamie’s excitement at her new life in Malawi (1921)
Extract 2: Mamie and Jack’s first Christmas in Malawi (1921)
Extract 3: Mamie is made Matron of the boarders (1922)
Extract 4: Jack describes a 30-mile walk home from ulendo, crossing the flooded Lweyo river (March 1922)
I have just read all the booklets [about MMF] and I feel as though I understand the charity much better now. You have done a great job, in bringing the story to life (even for a non-religious person like me) through just a few carefully selected snippets (there must have been hundreds more!) It was sad to realise that MM’s life ended so soon, but the Charity is keeping her vision and her practical “little leaven…” approach alive.
Catherine Clark, who heard about MMF from her neighbour