< John's tunes – Mamie Martin Fund

John’s tunes

As part of Mamie Martin Fund’s #Birthday30 challenge

John played 30 tunes and Mariot published them on YouTube.

1  Isles of Gletnesstrad
2The Mason’s Aprontrad
3John and Margaret’s WaltzJohn Dallas
4Valse ContinentaleGraham Roman
5Calum’s RoadDonald Shaw
6Farewell to the Tay 
7Gantock WaltzBilly Little
8Fairy Dancetrad
9Mist Covered Mountainstrad
10Catherine Mairi’s WaltzJohn Dallas
11The ExpeditionJohn Dallas
12Peter Fenton’s ReelJohn Dallas
13Spanish Eyes 
14Bluebell PolkaF. Stanley
15Bugle Horntrad
16The Balmaqueen houseJohn Dallas
17The Skyline of SkyeHeneker and Ross
18Paddy Kelly’s Stumptrad
19Northern Lights of Old Aberdeentrad
20Mexican Hat Dance 
21Radio Valse 
22McKenzie HayScott Skinner
23Lord Lovat’s Lamenttrad
24Athol Highlanderstrad
25Dileas mo grasJohn Dallas
26Las O’ Patie’s Milltrad
27Australian Ladies 
28The soft Lowland Tongue of the Border 
29I See Mull 
30Scotland the Brave