< Garden Archives – Mamie Martin Fund

Book a garden visit

Happy Midsummer to all our supporters and friends!In these ‘unprecedented times’ we are all glad of some easing of lockdown restrictions. We offer you this third video tour of Humbie Dean woodland garden. Frank Kirwan, the gardener, has created this for us and is now able to take bookings of groups of up to three adults, to visit the garden in person. Phone him directly to make arrangements so that your visit can be safe – 07768 996382. You will be asked to pay (£5 each) and confirm your booking on Eventbrite so that Frank has a record of visitors. 

We know that only a small number of people will be able to take up this new offer. In the meantime we hope that you all enjoy this lovely video. 

Virtual tour of ‘our’ garden

Many of us would have visited gardens this month but we must stay at home for now. Frank Kirwan of Humbie Dean garden has kindly given us a virtual tour of Spring in his garden instead. Visits to this garden raise money for our work and we look forward to being able to visit again before too long. 

You will particularly enjoy the spring flowers in this woodland garden. The garden has featured in a number of magazines and even on Beechgrove Garden on the telly!