< Christmas tree joy – Mamie Martin Fund

Christmas tree joy

We feel privileged to be part, once again, of the Edinburgh Christmas Tree Festival held by St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church in Edinburgh. Friday was tree-decorating day and the festival, now in its 10th year, is open to the public Mondays to Saturdays 7th to 24th December. 

Trustees, Moira and Angie, were joined briefly by Esmelda Chirwa, advisor to the Board. Esmelda was heading off to start her journey home to Blantyre, Malawi and enjoyed a bit of fun decorating the tree before she left. Hazel Dawson, our outgoing administrator, also popped in for a shot at decorating the tree. It was a happy and sociable morning.

Our decorations were either made in Malawi or from Malawian cloth. Our angel, bought in Lilongwe this year attracted a lot of admiration. In addition to decorations, we hung case-studies of some of the Mamie Martin Girls who have been supported over the year. We had a lot of interest in our work from other tree-decorators and are always glad to be in St Andrew’s and St George’s West, a congregation which has consistently supported our work over the years.